1804 - Miller, Edward - History and Antiquities of Doncaster and its Vicinity (1)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1804
Author Miller, Edward
Title History and Antiquities of Doncaster and its Vicinity
Mentions Robin Hood; Little John; Sherwood; Barnsdale; Robin Hood's Well (Barnsdale)
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Robin Hood's Well in Barnsdale, and Sherwood Forest.
Edward Miller; stipple engraving by Thomas Hardy (1757–c. 1805) after his own painting / Public Domain; New York Public library via Wikipedia.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2020-06-19. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.


In his [i.e. Richard I's] reign lived Robin Hood and Little John, who, with a hundred stout fellows more, molested all the passengers who fell in their way, yet only robbed and made prey of the rich. The forest of Sherwood in Nottinghamshire, and Barnsdale in Yorkshire, in the neighbourhood of Doncaster, were their principal places of resort. At Skelbrook, about five miles from Doncaster, in the road to York, is a well, now called Robin Hood's Well.[1]

IRHB comments

The wording might be taken to imply that 'Robin Hood's Well' was then a fairly new name. [Robin Hood's Well (Barnsdale)|This was not the case.]



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