1665 - Wither, George - Private Thank-Oblation

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date c. 1665
Author Wither, George
Title A Private Thank-Oblation
Mentions Tales of Robin Hood and Little John

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-07-17. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.


Moreover, it becomes not him, who sings
A Song of praise unto the King of Kings,
The Attributes of men to intermingle
With his (as to those works he worketh single) [p. 17:]
That were to follow their absurd example,
Who worship GOD and Baal within one Temple;
Or Chronicle the Deeds by HERO'S done,
With Tales of Robin Hood, and Little John:
For these respects, I know men Sober-witted
Will me excuse for what may seem omitted;
And, as for those men, who so prudent are not,
Whether they me excuse, or no, I care not.[1]

Source notes

Italics as in printed source. IRHB's brackets.




  1. Wither, George. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Spenser Society, Nos. [12-13, 16, 18, 22, 24]) (1872-77), Fourth Collection, Three Private Meditations, pp. 16-17 (separate pagination).