1656 - Dugdale, William - Antiquities of Warwickshire
Allusion | |
Date | 1656 |
Author | Dugdale, William |
Title | The Antiquities of Warwickshire |
Mentions | Robin Hood's pennyworths [proverb] |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-08-03. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.
Thus in great glory, plentifully endowed, stood this Monastery little less then 400. years, till that K. H. 8. a person whose sensuall disposition, suting so right with that corrupt age wherein he lived, finding Instruments fit for his sacrilegious purposes, contrived the destruction of it, and all the rest of those pious foundations that his ancestors and other devout persons had made; Of whose subtile practises for effecting that work, I shall in a short Corollary, before I finish this tract make some discovery: Amongst which that generall Survey and valuation, by Commissioners from him, in 26. of his reign, at Robin Hoods penni-worths, did not a little conduce thereto: At which time this Monastery, with all its Revenues, over and above reprises, was certified to be worth CCCii.l. xv.s. iii.d. per an.[1]
Source notes
Dugdale has reference to MS source in marginal note to the word "certified". Italics as in printed spurce.
IRHB comments
The monastery concerned is Coombe Abbey in Warwickhire.
- Not included in Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976).
- Outside scope of Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
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