1637 - Robin Hood's Bower (Loxley, Sheffield)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1637
Topic Robin Hood's Bower, in Loxley, Sheffield
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Approximate location of Loxley.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2016-11-26. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


Imprimis Great Haggas Croft (pasture) lying near
Robin Hood's Bower & invironed with Loxley
Firth & Cont.                                                                                   1—2—27
Item little Haggas Croft (pasture) wherein is ye
foundacion of an house or Cottage where Robin
was borne this piece is Compassed about
with Loxley flirth [sic!] & Cont.                                                  00—2—13
Item Bower wood lying betweene Loxley firth East
& ye lands of Mr Eyre in part west & Cont.                                 4—1—5
Item Bower field (arable) lying betweene ye last
piece East & ye lands of Mr Eyre North & west
& Loxley firth South & Cont.                                                      2—1—5[1]

Source notes

IRHB's brackets.

IRHB comments

The figures cited for each entry are acres, roods and perches.


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