1623 - Goad, Thomas - Catalogue of Persons slain at Black-Friars
Allusion | |
Date | 1623 |
Author | Goad, Thomas |
Title | A Catalogue of the names of such persons as were slaine by the fall of the roome wherein they were in the Blacke-fryers, at Master Druries Sermon, the 16. of Octob. 1623 |
Mentions | Residents in Robin Hood Court in Shoe lane among casualties at Doleful Vespers |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-06-28. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
A Catalogue of the names of such persons as were slaine by the fall of the roome wherein they were in the Blacke-fryers, at Master Druries Sermon, the 16. of Octob. 1623. Taken by information of the Coroners Iurie.
Master Drurie the Priest.
Mr. Redyate the Priest.
Lady Webbe.
Lady Blackstones daughter.
Thomas Webbe her man.
William Robinson Taylor.
Robert Smith, Master Hicks man the Apothecarie.
Mr. Dauisons daughter.
Anthonie Hall his man [sig. K1v:]
Anne Hobdin. | ⎱ | lodging in Mr Dauisons |
Marie Hobdin. | ⎰ | house |
Iohn Galloway Vintener.
Mr. Peirson, ⎫
his wife, in Robbinhood Court in
two sonnes ⎬ Shooe lane
Source notes
A reprint issued same year includes this final note:
"The particulars concerning those that suffered in this lamentable accident, hath beene so obscured that no exact account could bee had of them, no maruell then that dilligence of enquiry could not preuent some mistake in the catalogue formerly printed with this Relation; which catalogue is now renewed and rectified, by more certaine intelligence than heretofore hath beene related".[2]
It provides considerably more detail in the list of casualties. We are now given the name of the wife of Mr Peirson of Robin Hood Court. Her name was "Iane"; their sons were named "Thom & Iames".
IRHB comments
For discussion of the disaster known – perhaps from this pamphlet – as the Doleful Vespers, see 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (06).
- Not included in Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 293-11.
- Outside scope of Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
Also see
- ↑ [Goad, Thomas]. The dolefvll euen-song, or a true, particvlar and impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity, which befell the preacher Mr. Drvry a Iesuite, and the greater part of his auditory, by the downefall of the floore at an assembly in the Black-Friers on Sunday the 26. of Octob. last, in the after noone (London, 1623), sig. K1v.
- ↑ [Goad, Thomas]. The dolefvll euen-song, or a true, particvlar and impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity, which befell the preacher Mr. Drvry a Iesuite, and the greater part of his auditory, by the downefall of the floore at an assembly in the Black-Friers on Sunday the 26. of Octob. last, in the after noone (London, 1623), sig. K4r.