1587 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (1)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1587
Author Holinshed, Raphael
Title Holinshed's Chronicles
Mentions Robin Hood's Bay

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-05-18. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.


Of such ports and creeks as our seafaring-men doo note for their benefit vpon the coasts of England. Chap. 17.
In Yorkeshire, Dapnam sands, Steningreene, Staies, Runswike, Robinhoods baie, Whitbie, Scarborow, Fileie, Flamborow, Bricklington, Horneseie becke, Sister kirke, Kelseie, Cliffe, Pattenton, Holmes, Kenningham, Pall, Hidon, Hulbrige, Beuerleie, Hull, Hasell, Northferebie, Bucke creeke, Blacke cost, Wrethell, Howden.[1]

Source notes

Marginal note: "Yorkeshire". Italics as in printed text. I have silently omitted hyphens that occur at line endings. The chapter in which this passage is found does not occur in the 1577 edition of Holinshed's Chronicles.

Readers wishing to look up passages cited on IRHB in the original editions should be careful to note the book and chapter names etc. cited in IRHB's source references. The collations of the 1577 and 1587 editions of Holinshed are unusually confused, some sequences being paginated, some having leaf numbers, some neither. Note also that although the 1577 edition is in four volumes and that of 1587 in six, they were often bound (issued?) in two, respectively three, volumes. This is often reflected in PDFs of early editions.




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