1528 - Tyndale, William - Obedience of Christen Man (3)
Allusion | |
Date | 1528 |
Author | Tyndale, William |
Title | Obedience of Christen man, and how Christen rulers ought to governe, wherein also (if thou marke diligently) thou shalt find eyes to perceaue the craftie conueyaunce of all iugglers |
Mentions | Tale of Robin Hood; Gesta Romanorum; Chronicles |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-10-26. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
And forasmuch as they [i.e. the prelates] to deceive withal arm themselves against them with arguments and persuasions of fleshly wisdom, with worldly similitudes, with shadows, with false allegories, with false expositions of the scripture, contrary unto [p. 364:] the living and practising of Christ and the apostles, with lies and false miracles, with false names, dumb ceremonies, with disguising of hypocrisy, with the authorities of the fathers, and last of all with the violence of the temporal sword; therefore do thou contrariwise arm thyself to defend thee withal, as Paul teacheth in the last chapter of the Ephesians: "Gird on thee the sword of the Spirit, which is God's word, and take to thee the shield of faith:" which is, not to believe a tale of Robin Hood, or Gesta Romanorum, or of the Chronicles, but to believe God's word that lasteth ever.[1]
Source notes
IRHB's brackets.
P. 363, marginal note against "And forasmuch as they to deceive": "The armour of the spirituality. W. T."
P. 364, marginal note against "As Paul teacheth in the last chapter": "The armour of a christian man is God's word and faith. W. T. Eph. vi."
P. 364, footnote 1, to "Gesta Romanorum": "The tale of Robin Hood and the Gesta Romanorum were well known books then in popular use."
Published in 1528, cf. p. 323.
IRHB comments
This is one of at least five allusions to Robin Hood in the writings of Tyndale.
- Not included in Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 293-11.
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
- Tyndale, William; Duffield, G.E., ed.; Bruce, F.F., introd. The Works of William Tyndale (Appleford, Berkshire, 1964), pp. 323-67; see pp. 363-64.
Also see
- 1528 - Tyndale, William - Obedience of Christen Man (1)
- 1528 - Tyndale, William - Obedience of Christen Man (2)
- 1530 - Tyndale, William - Prologue to Book of Genesis
- 1531 - Tyndale, William - Prologue to Prophet Jonas.