1438 - Vessel Robyne Hude at Aberdeen

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1438
Topic Ship called Robin Hood ('Robyne hude', 'ly Robert hude') at Aberdeen.
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By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-24. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


[A "ship called 'Robyne hude' or 'ly Robert hude' figures" in a case brought before the Council at Aberdeen in 1438.][1]

Source notes

The printed source mentions this in a note, referring to the Aberdeen MS Council Register, vol. IV, pp. 133, 134.[2]

IRHB comments

So far the tally of vessels with Robin Hood-related names suggests that Little John was much more popular among the seafaring segment than the master outlaw. For boats and some ships the element 'Little' may of course had had a special and obvious appropriateness. See Ship names.


MS sources

  • Aberdeen Council Register, vol. IV, pp. 133, 134. Not seen but cf. Mill under 'Printed sources' below.

Printed sources

Brief mention

Also see
