1365 - Richard son of Thomas de Leghe
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Record | |
Date | 1365 |
Topic | Richard son of Thomas de Leghe on list of men accused of ransacking the home of a widow at Wortley [near Leeds] |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-11. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
[10 Feb. 1365:]
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Furnyvall, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Melton, Robert de Staynton, Christopher Molore, Simon de Heslarton, William de Fyncheden, William de Mirfeld, John Sayvill and Thomas Bosvyll, on complaint by Elizabeth late the wife of Nicholas de Wortelay, knight, that John de Damport, serjeant of the peace of the hundred of Makelesfeld, William Horsale, John de Stasum, Laurence Bodell, John Boydell, Nicholas son of John del Holt, Laurence de Leycestre, William his brother, Henry de Rixton, Robert Maynewaryng, William de Legh, William de Meet, John de Holford, John de Honford, the elder, John Welok, Gilbert de Urmeston, Hugh de Clayton of Hollewall, Richard son of Thomas de Leghe, Robert Danyel, John Gile, Thomas his brother, John Tabeleye, John Danyel, William de Whistanfeld of Sidyngton, Hugh de Sidyngton of Whistanfeld, Hugh de Neuton, Thomas de Wheltrogh, John de Sondbech, Richard Warde, Hugh Poker, John de Sutton, Thomas (is Bulyngton, John del Holt of Stopford, Ralph de Hide, Geoffrey Judson, John son of Geoffrey Judson, John Boller, Thomas Sponer, John Starky, John son of Robert de Knottesford, William de Berewyk, 'forester,' Adam Rigeway, 'baillyf,' William de Nedeham, Geoffrey Cartwryght, John de Lymhirst and others, coming by night at Wortelay, co. York, to ravish and inflict other evil on her, broke her gates and the doors and windows of her houses, and her chests, and uttered such threats that she fled through a window and bid for a night in a thicket (rubo), so that for the fright and the cold her life was despaired of, broke the seals of her deeds and writings and tore in pieces some of these, carried away her goods, assaulted her men and servants and so threatened her and them that for a great time she dared not return to her own to attend to the tilling of her lands and making of her other profit and the men and servants dared not serve her. By K.[1]
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Furnyvall, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Melton, Robert de Staynton, Christopher Molore, Simon de Heslarton, William de Fyncheden, William de Mirfeld, John Sayvill and Thomas Bosvyll, on complaint by Elizabeth late the wife of Nicholas de Wortelay, knight, that John de Damport, serjeant of the peace of the hundred of Makelesfeld, William Horsale, John de Stasum, Laurence Bodell, John Boydell, Nicholas son of John del Holt, Laurence de Leycestre, William his brother, Henry de Rixton, Robert Maynewaryng, William de Legh, William de Meet, John de Holford, John de Honford, the elder, John Welok, Gilbert de Urmeston, Hugh de Clayton of Hollewall, Richard son of Thomas de Leghe, Robert Danyel, John Gile, Thomas his brother, John Tabeleye, John Danyel, William de Whistanfeld of Sidyngton, Hugh de Sidyngton of Whistanfeld, Hugh de Neuton, Thomas de Wheltrogh, John de Sondbech, Richard Warde, Hugh Poker, John de Sutton, Thomas (is Bulyngton, John del Holt of Stopford, Ralph de Hide, Geoffrey Judson, John son of Geoffrey Judson, John Boller, Thomas Sponer, John Starky, John son of Robert de Knottesford, William de Berewyk, 'forester,' Adam Rigeway, 'baillyf,' William de Nedeham, Geoffrey Cartwryght, John de Lymhirst and others, coming by night at Wortelay, co. York, to ravish and inflict other evil on her, broke her gates and the doors and windows of her houses, and her chests, and uttered such threats that she fled through a window and bid for a night in a thicket (rubo), so that for the fright and the cold her life was despaired of, broke the seals of her deeds and writings and tore in pieces some of these, carried away her goods, assaulted her men and servants and so threatened her and them that for a great time she dared not return to her own to attend to the tilling of her lands and making of her other profit and the men and servants dared not serve her. By K.[1]
Source notes
Membrane 30d of the Patent Roll for 39 Edward III - Part I. Marginal note: "Feb. 10. Westminster".
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
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