1343 - John Petyt of Treslothan obstructs mining

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1343
Topic John Petit of Treslothan and others prevent Cornwall tin miners from working
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Treslothan, in Cornish: Tresulwedhen.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2020-07-21. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


The like [i.e. 'Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, John de Stouford and Hugh de Berewyk'], on complaint by the duke that Michael de Trenewyth 'le fitz,' John Billioun, Henry Billioun, John de Depham, Thomas le Goldsmyth, John Petit of Tresulwythen, Richard Penpons and others by force prevent the stannary men of Cornwall from executing their office of the stannary, whereby he has lost the profit of his stannary and coinage there.By C.[1]

Source notes

Dated: 'Feb. 12. Kennington'. Membrane 88d.

IRHB comments

'Tresulwythen' is now known as 'Tresulwedhen' in Cornish and 'Treslothan' in English. Another grant of a commission of oyer and terminer was issued in the same case on 6 Feb. at Kennington.[2] John Petyt's repertoire was not limited to the crime alleged above: See further 1343 - John Petyt of Treslothan steals flotsam. Intriguingly, the criminal operation targeting Cornwall stanneries included another 'gangster' with a Robin Hood-related name. See 1342 - William Scarlet usurper of stannaries. The latter record includes the names of several of the criminals named above, though not that of Petyt.




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