1336 - John Petit of Cornwall

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1336
Topic John Petit on commission to arrest suspected persons in Cornwall
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By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-18. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-10.


[16 Oct. 1336:]

Appointment of William de Ros of Hainelak, Ralph de Bulmere, Henry Auckland. Vavasour,' John de Eland, Robert de Scorburgh and William Scot, pursuant to a request to the king by the magnates and commonalty of the realm in the last great council at Nottingham to appoint persons in every [p. 368:] county of the realm to arrest suspected persons under the ordinance of the last Parliament at Westminster, to arrest such in the county of York; and to hear and determine the felonies whereof they shall be indicted.
By K. & C.
[... p. 371:...]

Thomas de Monte Hermerii
Ralph de Bloyowe
John de Arundell
John Petit
John Billoun
Silvester de Trefruthken





in the county of Cornwall, the said John Hilloun and Silvester to be one.[1]

Source notes

Membrane 18d of the Patent Roll for 10 Edward III – Part II. Marginal note: "Oct. 16. Auckland". IRHB's brackets.



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