1316 - Safe conduct to Little John, master of king's ship
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Record | |
Date | 1316 |
Topic | Safe conduct to Little John, master of the Michel of Westminster, going to Aquitaine for wine for the king |
Westminster, the home port of the Michel, and Aquitaine.

Aquitaine belonged to England, wholly or in part, during the period 1154–1453. Yellow – France; Grey – England; Dark grey – Burgundy / Animated map by Andrei Nacu, Wikipedia.
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-03-09. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
[24 Sep. 1316:]
Safe-conduct, until Easter, for Richard Golde, master of a ship called 'la Petre' of Westminster, whom the king is sending to Aquitaine for wines to be brought to him to England.
Thomas Sprynget, master of a ship called 'la Margarete' of Westminster.
Little John (Parvus Johannes), master of a ship called 'la Michel' of Westminster.
Roger Catour, master of a ship called 'la Blithe' of Westminster.[1]
Safe-conduct, until Easter, for Richard Golde, master of a ship called 'la Petre' of Westminster, whom the king is sending to Aquitaine for wines to be brought to him to England.
By K.
The like for the under-mentioned masters, viz.:—Thomas Sprynget, master of a ship called 'la Margarete' of Westminster.
Little John (Parvus Johannes), master of a ship called 'la Michel' of Westminster.
Roger Catour, master of a ship called 'la Blithe' of Westminster.[1]
Source notes
Marginal note in printed source: "Sept. 24. York". Italics as in printed source. Membrane 20.
IRHB comments
The above entry is immediately followed by one dated 23 Sep., the preceding day, which records the issuing of a "[c]ommission of oyer and terminer to John de Crumbewelle and Henry Beaufiz, touching the persons who assaulted Richard Gold at Ravenesrod, co. York".[2] It would be a remarkable coincidence if this did not refer to the "Richard Golde, master of a ship called 'la Petre' of Westminster". For the career of this Little John see Little John the mariner (record texts).
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
Also see
- ↑ [Handcock, G. F., compil.; Fowler, R. C., compil.; Maxwell-Lyte, Henry Churchill, introd.] Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office: Edward II. A.D. 1313-1317 (London, 1898), p. 547.
- ↑ [Handcock, G. F., compil.; Fowler, R. C., compil.; Maxwell-Lyte, Henry Churchill, introd.] Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office: Edward II. A.D. 1313-1317 (London, 1898), p. 547.