1305 - John Petit the elder in asssault at Boston
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Record | |
Date | 1305 |
Topic | John Petit among group of men charged with assaulting a William Pacock in Boston. |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-17. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
[26 May 1305:]
Commission of oyer and terminer to the above justices [sc. 'Peter de Malo Lacu, Edmund de Eyncurt, William le Vavasur and John de Insula'] and the said Thomas [sc. 'Thomas de Fyssheburn, in the room of Adam de Middelton'], on complaint by William Pacok that William de Derby, Ralph de Derby, John le Plouman of Fraunkton, Harsculph de Cleseby, William de Neshaham, Richard de Kirketon, John de Benyngton, John Hardy, Robert Hardy, Walter Hardy, Walter le Mouner of Fenne, Roger de Lek, Nicholas de Freston, Richard de Benyngton, William de Bardeneye, Richard de Kirketon, William le Pursere of Lincoln, Geoffrey de Cibeceye, [p. 400:] William le Lung, Henry de Benyngton, Richard de Leverton, Richard Lourencesbrother atte Stone, Geoffrey Perkyn, Henry Cope, Simon Bunnyng, Roger son of Peter de Wynston, William de Kirketon, John de Fenne, Alan de Benyngton, Laurence Grebby of Lek, Master Thomas son of Roger le Fevre, John de Ledenham and John Petit the elder, assaulted him by night at the town of Boston, co. Lincoln, and carried away his goods.
Changed by the Chancellor because sealed at another time by p.s. in the time of Master W. de Grenef[eld], then the Chancellor.[1]
Commission of oyer and terminer to the above justices [sc. 'Peter de Malo Lacu, Edmund de Eyncurt, William le Vavasur and John de Insula'] and the said Thomas [sc. 'Thomas de Fyssheburn, in the room of Adam de Middelton'], on complaint by William Pacok that William de Derby, Ralph de Derby, John le Plouman of Fraunkton, Harsculph de Cleseby, William de Neshaham, Richard de Kirketon, John de Benyngton, John Hardy, Robert Hardy, Walter Hardy, Walter le Mouner of Fenne, Roger de Lek, Nicholas de Freston, Richard de Benyngton, William de Bardeneye, Richard de Kirketon, William le Pursere of Lincoln, Geoffrey de Cibeceye, [p. 400:] William le Lung, Henry de Benyngton, Richard de Leverton, Richard Lourencesbrother atte Stone, Geoffrey Perkyn, Henry Cope, Simon Bunnyng, Roger son of Peter de Wynston, William de Kirketon, John de Fenne, Alan de Benyngton, Laurence Grebby of Lek, Master Thomas son of Roger le Fevre, John de Ledenham and John Petit the elder, assaulted him by night at the town of Boston, co. Lincoln, and carried away his goods.
Changed by the Chancellor because sealed at another time by p.s. in the time of Master W. de Grenef[eld], then the Chancellor.[1]
Source notes
Membrane 24d of the Patent Roll for 33 Edward I – Part II. Marginal note: "May 26. Banstead". Quotations in brackets supplied from p. 399. IRHB's brackets, except "[eld]" as in printed source.
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
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