1261 - Robert le Hout

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1261
Topic Dean and Chapter at Somerley, diocese of Chicehster, directed to protect Prior and Convent of Selborne in their possession of church of West Tisted, which Joan, widow of Robert le Hout, granted to them.
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West Tisted.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2015-08-30. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.


  Bull from Pope Alexander IV addressed to the Dean and Chanter of
Sumallinges, diocese of Chichester, directing them to protect the Prior
and Convent of Seleburne in the possession of the church of Westistede,
the revenues of which do not exceed 10 marks, and which the said Prior
and Convent have acquired for appropriation, at the presentation of the
patroness Joan, who was the wife of Rob. le Hout.[1]

Source notes

Macray, W.D. (1891), p. 54: "1261, 3 Jan., "iij nonas Jan. pontif. nostri anno vij"; at the Lateran [IRHB: 'Jan. 3, in the seventh year of our pontificate'.] This document is item No. 274. Description of seal: 'The leaden bulla is attached.'

IRHB comments

Other records refer to Rob. le Hout as Robert le Hod,[2] see the page on Robert le Hod of West Tisted (record texts). 'Sumallinges': this must be Somerley, 8 km SW of Chichester.


Printed sources


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