1244 - Robert Hod witness to deed
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Record | |
Date | 1244-45 |
Topic | Robert Hod witness to deed. |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-24. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-03-22.
[c. 1244-45:]
Charter of Rocelin the Tanner (Tannator) giving to Reginald de Fyshyd all the land, with its appurtenances, in Frogmerestrete which he had in frank marriage with Margaret his wife lying between the land formerly the said Reginald's on the west and the land which was Roger Gingiure's on the east, and extending from the street in front to the land of the hospital of St. Mark of Billeswick behind: to hold to him and his heirs of the donor and his heirs, rendering 4s. 6d. yearly by equal portions at Christmas, [p. 57:] Easter, the Nativity of St . John the Baptist, and Michaelmas, and at each change of heirs a pair of white gloves or a halfpenny, whichever they shall choose. For this Reginald has paid him 2s. by way of entry. Warranty and sealing clauses. 'Hiis testibus Simone Clerico tunc maiore Bristoll'. Willelmo filio Nicholai. et Waltero Myttelyme tunc prepositis eiusdem ville Roberto Corder'. Willelmo Bald'. Willelmo Deuoniens'. Gilberto cum Colera. Thoma Deuoniens'. Willelmo Bykyll'. Ricardo Urry. Roberto Hod. Waltero Huldsey. Nicholao Clodmanger. Roberto le Pougan. Alewy Carpint'. Roberto Costard et aliis'.[1]
Charter of Rocelin the Tanner (Tannator) giving to Reginald de Fyshyd all the land, with its appurtenances, in Frogmerestrete which he had in frank marriage with Margaret his wife lying between the land formerly the said Reginald's on the west and the land which was Roger Gingiure's on the east, and extending from the street in front to the land of the hospital of St. Mark of Billeswick behind: to hold to him and his heirs of the donor and his heirs, rendering 4s. 6d. yearly by equal portions at Christmas, [p. 57:] Easter, the Nativity of St . John the Baptist, and Michaelmas, and at each change of heirs a pair of white gloves or a halfpenny, whichever they shall choose. For this Reginald has paid him 2s. by way of entry. Warranty and sealing clauses. 'Hiis testibus Simone Clerico tunc maiore Bristoll'. Willelmo filio Nicholai. et Waltero Myttelyme tunc prepositis eiusdem ville Roberto Corder'. Willelmo Bald'. Willelmo Deuoniens'. Gilberto cum Colera. Thoma Deuoniens'. Willelmo Bykyll'. Ricardo Urry. Roberto Hod. Waltero Huldsey. Nicholao Clodmanger. Roberto le Pougan. Alewy Carpint'. Roberto Costard et aliis'.[1]
Source notes
F.72r. Italics as in printed source. IRHB's brackets. Simon the Clerk appears as mayor in a deed of Nov. 1244 and was mayor again in 1250. Names of other witnesses suggest to the editor 1244-45 as a likely date. What is probably the same person appears in two other records. These are listed under 'Also see' below.
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
Also see
- 1226 - Robert Had witness to deed
- 1226 - Robert Hod witness to deed
- Persons named Robin Hood (links).