1238 - Robert Lohod (2)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1238
Topic Joan, widow of Robert Lood, grants land to the Prior and Canons of Selborne.
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West Tisted.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2015-08-30. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.


  Confirmation by P[eter], Bishop of Winchester, to the Prior
and Canons of Seleburne of all the land which they have in Westistede
by the gift of Joan who was the wife of Robert Lohod. Witn.: master
Humphrey de Milliers, the Bishop's official, Hugh, Archdeacon of Win-
chester, Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, master Elyas de Derham, Peter de
Rivallis, Rob. de Clynchampe, John de Colesdone, John de Venuz,
Rob. Marmiun, Will de Ho.[1]

Source notes

Macray, W.D. (1891), p. 23: date etc.: '1237-8, 11 March, "qiinto non. Marcii"; at Faverisham,"per manum Petri de Chaunceles."' The charter is item No. 257. Description of seal: 'Large oval green seal, good impression ; same as with No. 250, supra."' The seal attached to No. 250 is described as follows (ibid.): 'Oval red seal, large; good impression; the Bishop, full length, with pastoral staff: "Petrus Dei gratia Wintoniensis episcopus." Counter-seal: busts of two Saints, with key and sword, the Bishop kneeling below: "Sunt sitque boni Petr' Paulusque patroni."


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